Eleven Ace, a company registered in the UK in 2021, offers and operates this website. Users, both registered members and guest visitors, are advised to go through these terms before using the website.
‘Content’ and ‘Material’ refer to all text, images, videos, and audios which are presented in this website.
‘We’ and ‘Us’ refer to Eleven Ace, its affiliates, associates, and partners.
Eleven Ace is the copyright holder and owner of all the content and material seen in this website.
Users are accorded permission only to browse this site and view its contents. No one shall replicate content, material or extracts from this site in any other medium — print, digital, audio, or visual — or download it and circulate it to others, for commercial or non-commercial purposes. No one shall adapt this site’s content into another site or publication.
Usage of Information
Content and information in this website are generic and have been put out for general usage with sincere intentions and in goodwill. Users are advised not to depend on it for any particular cause or decision-making. We do not make any recommendation or give any guarantee regarding the information given in this site.
Eleven Ace, its affiliates, associates, partners, collaborators, or staff will not be accountable for any loss or damage resulting from using or accessing information given in this site.
Changes to Terms
Eleven Ace reserves the right to amend these terms at any time. Users are advised to visit this page regularly to keep track of the updates.